
Friday, December 26, 2008

Peaceful Christmas

Our Christmas this year was so very peaceful. We decided since my sister and her family are coming down next week, that we would have Christmas at my parents house on new years eve. What a brilliant idea! Hubby and I were treated to breakfast in bed, a tradition started when our oldest was only six and realized she could make jelly toast and hot chocolate by herself. Every year since then the children look forward to making breakfast for us. In fact, our youngest (6 years old) was crying because I got up too early and "Spoiled the whole Christmas day!!" Yes, that is the way she said it so I went back to bed. 8-)

After breakfast we cleaned up the kitchen and picked up the living room and settled down for our reading of the Christmas story. After prayer and blessings on the day the children opened their gifts and we spent the rest of the day watching movies reading together, playing games and delivering Christmas cookies.

I think this is one of my favorite Christmas' ever.

The pictures posted today are some I could not post earlier because doing so would have spoiled the surprise.


"C" wearing her baby sling. My hope with this present is that when she needs to bring her baby along, she will carry it herself. I'll see how this works out.

"K" asked for a purse that would fit
like a messenger bag
but be smaller to
fit comfortably on the hip.

She asked that it be made with pink and with ACU fabric.

She wanted it to somehow have circles on it.
She loves circles.

And finally, the purse had to have a lot of pockets. This one has three. Now she can not decide which side of the purse she likes best because I also made it reversible. Decisions! Decisions!


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