
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Holiday Rush

Yesterday, was in many ways too full , but in many ways so rewarding. My children are filled with Holiday Spirit and even now they are playing and chasing each other through the house. What is it about the holidays that makes children behave so well??? Hm, How can I make that happen all year round?

Along with our usual very busy school day, my four children decided to make Christmas presents for family this year. My first instinct was to yell, "NO!", but I soon reconsidered and found that the day went much better than planned, even with the extra work. Yes, I was needed to help thread needles and get the stitches started and repair knots, but I was so amazed at the way the children all worked so hard to finish chores and study and practice their music. All was done with a smile, so that they could work on their projects.

At the end of the day each child was filled with such a sense of accomplishment and their eyes were full of pride over what they had done. Yes, crazy busy am I but I would not trade it for anything in the world.


The Reindeer Ornament was made by our 14 year old and is available for purchase in my Etsy Store. B began sewing small projects when she was 8 years old and is very excited to start selling some of her pieces in the coming months.

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