
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why Very Verdant

OK, I am going to explain the name "Very Verdant" and only 1 time. We have looked at and pondered
various names for the business. We looked at names that had to do with our southern heritage, names that included our last name, names that popped into my tired brain and names suggested by friends and family. With the last name of Greene, we ran into a bit of a problem. I do not want to give false impressions to anyone and did not want people to go to our site thinking they would find "green" products or blogs and products to save our earth. No, we are not as noble as all that, just a large family starting a home business with the custom crafts and clothes that we already make and we just wanted to include our family name in our business name. So we came up with Very Verdant.

Verdant : (adj) green as in the color green, green as in a growing plant

So we are Very "Greene" - Very Verdant a fancier term for that glorious color - Very Verdant a beautiful rendition of our last name and - Very Verdant a true picture of our new home business which we hope will blossom and grow like a new plant. We hope you will join us on our adventure and that we will be a business that you enjoy getting to know.

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