
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Raising Boys In A House Full Of Girls–Part 1


I remember when I first held our son in my arms. I thought, “Wow, he is the most wonderful,  handsome little boy EVER!!!”  Then, the thought hit me, “You get to raise a little boy and teach him how to be a man!”

ME??? I know nothing about little boys! I grew up with one sister and I am the picture of everything girlie girl! I love pink and lace. I hate, despise, am terrified of most bugs, and don't even get me started on how I feel about being sweaty and dirty. I can teach a boy how to read and write and plant things and help them to grow. I can teach a boy how to treat others; but how in the world would I ever teach a boy how to be a man?

So my prayers began to be filled with requests for a special kind of wisdom and for me to allow God to provide the type of education that our son would need.

In the following days I hope to share with you a few of the things I have learned along the way. Do I consider myself to have arrived, or to have perfected the “bringing up boys” issue?  Not on your life!  But I have learned and am learning so much. I remember times of thinking, “I just wish I had someone to talk to, someone to give me a little advice.”  That’s all I am doing here, just  sharing my experience.

1 comment:

ADDENDUM handmade said...

I imagine my mother felt the same way, having my brother after three girls. Fourteen years later, it's working out pretty well. :)

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