Our youngest two are taking an elementary course about marine life. This experiment helped to demonstrate surface currents. We have also gone to the beach a few times for more hands on studies.

This year B and K are doing Biology classes with their daddy. He is an excellent teacher and has Bachelor of Science in Biology and Physical Science so I sweet talked him into teaching high school sciences. B and K are enjoying the labs, maybe a little too much.

...and of course there are all the other subjects that are well underway. D and C are working hard on Math sheets as you can see.
Oh, I almost forgot, just to throw something else into my schedule, I have decided to go back to school myself. I am hoping to start in January. I will be working toward a Bachelors of Science in Interpreter Training. Most of my classes will be on-line and my family has been very supportive of my decision, in fact my husband is excited about it. So, the phrase back to school has a whole new meaning for us this year.
We're working on earth science here in our little home school. Looks like your kids are having a lot of fun!
Good luck going back to school! It's something I'm weighing myself (photography).
I was home schooled :)
Good luck on going back to school!
Lots of learning going on in your house! How exciting for you to go back to school too! Best of luck to everyone in their classes!
That's great that you're going back to school!
I took online classes too and loved them!
I admire your gumption!
Your kiddos will never forget the precious time they spent with their Dad.
That is wonderful about going back to school! So glad that your family supports it.
awesome! wishing you much success in your studies!
Good luck going back to school!
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